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Call Center Metrics That Can Be Applied to the Government

We still have a lot of days to go before the Election Day 2016 however, we know that politicians are now busy preparing for the said day. I could tell this by the commercials that I see on television which pretends to be infomercials but in the back of my mind something's telling me that it has a subliminal message of saying vote for me or remember my name.

Source : imgur
I hope that before these politicians’ start to politicize issues through television and the Senate they should start learning the metrics and processes of the BPO or Call Center Industry because, there are some problems in the government that can be minimized by implementing the industry’s best practices.

Listed below are the Metrics, Policies and Best Practices found in the Call Center Industry that can be implemented in the government.

1. AHT (Average Handling Time) – we all know what AHT is but, for the benefit of our politicians and government employees AHT is the maximum allowable time that a work could be done. Application: AHT can be applied to Government agencies like SSS, BIR, HDMF, NSO, LTO and other agencies where we need to process documents because we have to wait for a long period of time just to get the documents stamped or processed. Now imagine if the President has passed a memorandum of 5 minutes AHT per transaction for these agencies then we will say goodbye to long lines because the government employees will be required to meet the target.

 2. Adherence - the government’s solution to "Filipino Time" is Republic Act no. 10535 (an act to set Philippine Standard Time) well they might have set the standard time but the real concern is where they able to address issues like over lunch, being late for work and over break issues in Government offices? In the call center industry we adhere to our strict schedules because it is being monitored real time we run just to make sure we make it on time for work, short breaks and lunch hours are rigorously followed to ensure enough heads are available to accommodate the customers. Application: Government Agencies and MRT/LRT. Imagine the number of satisfied commuters if the estimated time of arrival of trains shown on the large LCD screens in each station were strictly followed.

3. Monthly Performance Reviews – call center employees have monthly performance reviews to ensure that the employee is aligned to the company’s metrics and processes. In case that there are AFI’s (Areas for Improvements) it is immediately addressed by the employee which could be done by working hand in hand with the manager this can ensure that future problems would be prevented. Application: MRT/LRT Maintenance Contractors.

4. Coaching – Some Government employees get promoted easily trough “Padrino System” while in the call center industry employees own their careers. Promotion is done through exceptional coaching and career development sessions which ensures that the promoted employee is ready for the role. Though there are unavoidable office politics that are happening in the BPO workplace I think that those instances are minimal.

5. PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) and NTE (Notice to Explain) - Call center employees work hard because if you don’t, then you will be enrolled in Performance Improvement Plan failing to meet the targets while in PIP means saying goodbye to your job. Notice to Explain is given to employees who incurred absences, tardiness and grave misconduct like shouting to a customer or intentionally ending the call while the customer is still on the other line.

Application: I would love this to be implemented to the Senate and the House committee because these politicians could go unpunished even if they have missed a lot of session in the Legislative Department.

The list above confirms that working in the call center industry is not about answering calls. It’s about self-management, working your way to the top, delivering results; it’s the survival of the fittest. Without the right attitude you will not survive in this business.

I’m hoping that one day the next president would have knowledge of the metrics and best practices in the BPO industry so that it can be implemented in the government. My next president might be taking in calls right now or he/she is currently on White Belt Six Sigma Training, well who knows the time might come that next president will be from the call center  industry.

Do you have any best practices in your company that can be implemented in the government? Let’s discuss via the comments section.


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