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Call Center Employees Urged to Form Unions

According to sources, Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP)is urging employees specially from the BPO sector to join and create unions. Forming a union could protect our welfare aside from that, we could also take advantage of the full benefits of our labor.

Gerard Seno the executive vice president of Associated Labor-Trade Union  said that trough unions employees can "negotiate a contract like fair and safe workplace, better wages, a secure retirement  or separation pay, family oriented policies such as paid sick leave and other benefits."

Magna Carta for Call Center workers has been filed by Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago last 2013. The bill's goal is to enforce the rights of BPO employees to organize unions to have safe and healthy working environment.

It looks like forming a union is a good approach in solving some issues in the BPO sector however, employees should think about this carefully since some companies (non-BPO) have closed due to labor unions. 

Do you think creating labor unions would be good for the BPO sector? Share your thoughts by heading on to the comments section.


photo credit: Steve Rhodes via photopin cc


  1. I have been working for 8 years, I really dont see the reason why is there an "Unyon"
    if you dont like what the company is giving you, you dont have to negotiate you dont have to "force" them to give you higher salary
    look for a company that could give you one

    its like having an awful boyfriend and then asking your buddies to negotiate your terms with your boyfriend so that he will love you more & be kinder to you. there is a better solution, leave him because there is definitely a person other than him who could give you your needs

    besides, if you are an asset, a lot of company will be chasing after you

    1. Me too I have been in this industry for so many years. No need for an Unyon because we are well taken care off in terms of salary.


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