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Showing posts from June, 2015

SSS Retirement Computation

BPO companies that offers a retirement plan remain very difficult to find so, I decided to search how much SSS monthly benefit we will get in case we retire.  Retiring is something that should be planned, I think that the perfect scenario of a retired employee is, not being dependent on our children. Time seems to fly, that’s why I’m hoping by the time that we retire 30 years from now the Filipino value of taking care of our grandparents would still be intact, and our children will not send us to retirement homes (home for the agent). I guess, behind our smiles this is how we really feel deep inside after working in a call center for a long time. Source: imgur user uglyfella Information below is from SSS website. Who may qualify for a retirement benefit? 1. A member who is 60 years old, separated form employment or ceased to be self-employed, and has paid at least 120 monthly contributions prior to the semester of retirement. 2. A member who is 65 years old

BPO Companies with Bi-Weekly Pay Schedule

Before joining the BPO industry, I receive my salary trough semi-monthly (15,30/31) payment, which appears to be a standard in the country. When I started working for a call center company that offers a bi-weekly pay schedule (every other Friday), I was surprised that there were a lot benefits for this type of payroll. Let me share the pros and cons of receiving Bi-Weekly salary. Pros and Cons of Bi-Weekly Salary Pros: 1. You will be paid 26 times a year compared to 24 times on semi-monthly payment. 2. It’s easy to manage your money since you wouldn’t have to wait for a specific date (15, 30) to receive your salary. 3. You can receive 3 paychecks in a month (May, October)  as seen from the bi-weekly pay calendar below. Cons: 1. Smaller amount of paycheck since the hours worked is fixed at 80 compared to semi-monthly payment which is greater than 80 work hours.  Here’s the List of BPO Companies with Bi-Weekly Pay Period (Every other Friday). Co

Fortune 500 Companies with BPO Operations in the Philippines

Fortune Magazine has published its annual list of Fortune 500 companies measured by revenue. As what we did with our previous articles we have filtered the list to reflect companies with shared service or BPO operations in the country. Being listed in the Fortune 500 could mean that the company has a large influence in the market and it may also show how its employees are treated trough compensation and benefits. Check out the list below; it may not reflect other companies since Fortune 500 only list companies based in the United States. The list has also been extended to 1000 companies. Working for a Fortune 500 or Forbes listed company may benefit individuals who jumps from one center to another since, less irate callers are encountered. A Fortune 500 company on your resume maybe considered as an achievement because based on experience; laziness and lackluster performance are not tolerated. Working with these companies is a proof that you can work with the best since,